We take the “Blue Box” and a whole lot more.

Waste Simplified

Our package modular SRP system is a proven waste conversion process with the underlying conversion process taking place in an oxygen free environment. Treating and heating the waste in an oxygen-free environment results in the production of significantly fewer harmful emissions. For instance, nitrogen in waste will transform into ammonia vs harmful nitrous oxides and other noxious oxides, dioxins and furans which will not be formed during Steam Reformation Process.

A large benefit of the AmaLaTerra SRP process is the very wide range of waste feedstocks , carbonaceous heterogeneous waste feedstocks (e.g., Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), industrial waste, all plastics (no limitations), biomass waste (wood & cellulosic), sewage sludge (anaerobic digestate), fossil (coal, petroleum coke etc.) and domestic (mattresses, furniture, tires etc.), which requires no sorting and or drying as other WTE technologies, when converting into clean synthetic gas (syngas) which then can then be conventionally into electricity and clean energy products.

The AmaLaTerra SRP system uses current technologies and "off the shelf ' commercially proven equipment, which significantly lowers the capital and operating costs for processing facilities compared to other waste conversion technologies.  AmaLaTerra’s overall systems are scalable in 50,000 TPY tonnes increments to provide solutions to meet given client and given applications needs.